Learning Tools
Certainly no one in our Holy Child Community believed that remote schooling would be in our future when school began in September. Adjusting to this new normal has meant adding the roles of teacher, guidance counselor, and technical advisor to the already demanding role of parent and, for many, the new role of work-from-home parent. It is understandably overwhelming, but our hope is that this blog will make it a little easier for you and your children to cope with these changes and thrive in this new learning structure.
For example: Did you know that you can use your Library Card remotely? And that you can sign up for a Library Card by email? If you already have a library card, you can use your card number to access information under the heading "E-resources" at www.delcolibraries.org.
If you don't have a library card you can email your Name, Address, Phone Number, and Birthdate to support@delcolibraries.org and they will give you barcode to access E-books, audiobooks, magazines, newspapers, and databases.
If you live in Philadelphia County, visit the Philadelphia Free Library Contact Page to sign up for your library card and gain access to their E-resources.
Here is a Full List of Free eResources - This link will take you to a list of completely free learning resources especially for schools affected by Covid-19 closures. Most of the other resources listed below have a free trial period after which a paid subscription is required.
These comprehensive sites and apps are highly reviewed and many are already used by HCA. They typically serve a broad range of age groups, from Early Childhood through Lower and Middle School and focus on a variety of subjects.
Epic.com - An HCA favorite and currently FREE through your child's class, not only can you see your child's progress, but it has books for children from Early Childhood to 8th grade, including read alouds, videos, and even quizzes to help children develop reading comprehension skills. Contact your teacher or our blog administrator to get your child set up reading at home!
BrainPop - Currently FREE! Excellent website and app resource for learning all subjects, and is often used by HCA teachers already. This valuable resource also contains links for parents regarding empowerment and social-emotional support.
Scholastic.com - Most of your teachers already have a free subscription to Scholastic and can let you in using the class code. However, if you make an account as a parent or child, you have to purchase the books and there is currently no free trial. Contact your teacher to see how you can use Scholastic.
Khanacademy.com - Especially great for Math, Khan Academy has both an online and app version and is great for meeting your child where she is and helping her learn at her own pace. Also great for reinforcing what is being taught in class. Many teachers already have Khan Academy accounts, so check with them before purchasing. The app and online resources allow you to make a profile for each child, track lessons completed and overall progress.
ABCmouse.com - Free trial right now! One of the most popular learning apps and online resources for Early Education and Lower School age children, many parents have credited ABC mouse with improvement in reading, phonics, and basic skills. However, while there is a 30 day Free Trial, the app itself is still expensive at $59.95 for the year (even with the current offer of 49% off).
Education.com - A bevy of resources for teaching at home. While your teachers are already providing daily instruction, this website is also connected to an App, Brainy, that provides guided learning so that your child can progress at her own pace or review subjects she is struggling with. This is an excellent resource for worksheets and lesson plans and is best for teachers or those who are home-schooling. Currently 50% off - the app is $8/month (cancel anytime) or $5.00 if you pay for the year. This includes all of the online resources for preschool through 5th grade in all subjects, including typing, which is very helpful now that our students have moved to remote learning. The site also includes videos and games that are as engaging as they are educational. You can make a profile for each child and tailor the learning levels to each child's needs. Also allows you to track your child's progress.
IXL.com - A comprehensive learning tool that currently has a 30 day trial for teachers, and is purchasable either in bulk with all subjects, a Math and Language Arts Combo, or by individual subject. The cost, however, varies by your number of children. It has all core subjects and you can add Spanish for $5/month. One special feature is the diagnostic and analytics tool, which allows you to see exactly where your child is in each subject and view how they are progressing over time. So far, HCA students really enjoy the IXL math assignments and some teachers are using their 30 day free trials right now.
Storylineonline.net - Books read aloud by well-known Hollywood actors. Brought to you by the Screen Actors Guild Foundation, this resource appears to be free and allowed us to watch several readings. Great for story time!
DreamBox.com - K-8 resource to supplement core learning. There is currently a 90 day Free Trial.
Mobilemontessori.org - One time paid apps, or bundles of apps of your own choosing. Mobile Montessori is a large number of apps meant to work in congruence with one another. Apps are for Early Childhood through Lower School and up to age 12.
Cosmickids.com (can also be found on YouTube) - is free and has great yoga classes for Early Childhood and Lower School.
PlayOsmo.com - Challenge older Lower School and Upper School students to play beyond the screen with this creative app that includes a coding component!
minilabstudios.com - Available for via Apple, Google Play or Amazon, minilabstudios is a collection of four great apps for young learners - Early Childhood to Lower School. One of the very best is Professor Astro Cat's Solar System - to help little ones understand the wonders of the universe. This app is effective because the animation is so thoughtful, beautiful and entertaining.
edu.bloxelbuilder.com - This is a one-time paid app with no in-app purchases that teaches children how to build video games and also gives them the opportunity to play their own games as well as games built by other app users. This app provides excellent technical learning and coding experience. Best for Lower and Upper School students.
Procreate.art - The number one drawing app for beginners and pros alike. This paid app is a great way to get creative and improve drawing skills.
Levarburtonkids.com/Skybrary - This is best for beginning readers, although there is a little something for everyone. Especially since Neil Gaiman recently gave LeVar Burton permission to read all of his books online.
DragonBox.com - Paid app with in-app purchases, but highly reviewed for Math learning and has math learning resources for not only ages 4-9, but also 9 and up, which makes it an excellent learning tool for Middle School children, too. If your child struggles with Math, or enjoys it and wants further enrichment, this is one worth looking into!
OriginatorKids.com - From the makers of Endless Learning Academy and the long line of successful "Endless" apps, comes Math Tango, which is another paid app for Math practice and enrichment. Best for Lower School age groups.
Barefootbooks.com - Barefoot World Atlas App. While the BarefootBooks site is a wonderful resource in itself, the Barefoot World Atlas App is a one time pay app ($4.99) that is highly reviewed for its ability to engage and teach world geography, history, and culture.
Tinybop.com - This is not an app, but rather another excellent collection of apps that are particularly useful. Apps are for children ages 4 and up, but appear to have several great elements for older children as well. There is one app in the bundle that focuses on the Human Body ($3.99), which is particularly interesting. Others include States of Matter, Earth, Space, Simple Machines and Coral Reef. But what is particularly cool about the apps for Older Children (Lower School to Upper School) are all the design, coding and tech apps, including Robot Factory, Everything Machine, and Infinite Arcade. Learners can build robots and machines or design their own games. While each app can be purchased, there are also in-app purchases that add on to each topic and add levels of difficulty. Can be purchased as a bundle as well.
DreamBox.com - K-8 resource to supplement core learning. There is currently a 90 day Free Trial.
Mobilemontessori.org - One time paid apps, or bundles of apps of your own choosing. Mobile Montessori is a large number of apps meant to work in congruence with one another. Apps are for Early Childhood through Lower School and up to age 12.
PlayOsmo.com - Challenge older Lower School and Upper School students to play beyond the screen with this creative app that includes a coding component!
edu.bloxelbuilder.com - This is a one-time paid app with no in-app purchases that teaches children how to build video games and also gives them the opportunity to play their own games as well as games built by other app users. This app provides excellent technical learning and coding experience. Best for Lower and Upper School students.
Procreate.art - The number one drawing app for beginners and pros alike. This paid app is a great way to get creative and improve drawing skills.
DragonBox.com - Paid app with in-app purchases, but highly reviewed for Math learning and has math learning resources for not only ages 4-9, but also 9 and up, which makes it an excellent learning tool for Middle School children, too. If your child struggles with Math, or enjoys it and wants further enrichment, this is one worth looking into!
Barefootbooks.com - Barefoot World Atlas App. While the BarefootBooks site is a wonderful resource in itself, the Barefoot World Atlas App is a one time pay app ($4.99) that is highly reviewed for its ability to engage and teach world geography, history, and culture.
Tinybop.com - This is not an app, but rather another excellent collection of apps that are particularly useful. Apps are for children ages 4 and up, but appear to have several great elements for older children as well. There is one app in the bundle that focuses on the Human Body ($3.99), which is particularly interesting. Others include States of Matter, Earth, Space, Simple Machines and Coral Reef. But what is particularly cool about the apps for Older Children (Lower School to Upper School) are all the design, coding and tech apps, including Robot Factory, Everything Machine, and Infinite Arcade. Learners can build robots and machines or design their own games. While each app can be purchased, there are also in-app purchases that add on to each topic and add levels of difficulty. Can be purchased as a bundle as well.
ProdigyGame.com - A totally free math app that kids love!
Mental Math - Another free math app that covers everything math topic for beginners through advanced mathematicians.
DragonBox.com - Paid app with in-app purchases, but highly reviewed for Math learning and has math learning resources for not only ages 4-9, but also 9 and up, which makes it an excellent learning tool for Middle School children, too. If your child struggles with Math, or enjoys it and wants further enrichment, this is one worth looking into!
IXL.com - A comprehensive learning tool that currently has a 30 day trial for teachers, and is purchasable either in bulk with all subjects, a Math and Language Arts Combo, or by individual subject. The cost, however, varies by your number of children. It has all core subjects and you can add Spanish for $5/month. One special feature is the diagnostic and analytics tool, which allows you to see exactly where your child is in each subject and view how they are progressing over time. So far, HCA students really enjoy the IXL math assignments and some teachers are using their 30 day free trials right now.
Science Buddies is not just for Science Fair project ideas. Plenty of fun engineering and science projects to explore. https://www.sciencebuddies.org/
PlayOsmo.com - Challenge older Lower School and Upper School students to play beyond the screen with this creative app that includes a coding component!
edu.bloxelbuilder.com - This is a one-time paid app with no in-app purchases that teaches children how to build video games and also gives them the opportunity to play their own games as well as games built by other app users. This app provides excellent technical learning and coding experience. Best for Lower and Upper School students.
Language Resources
The Drops App will provide 5 free mins of Spanish learning daily, or you can upgrade to the premium version. This is a very effective resource for visual learners and has a broad vocabulary list.
Duolingo teaches multiple languages and will do a certain amount of free work per day, but the paid subscription will get you their full language curriculum and access to other languages as well. This is a very effective and intelligently designed app with extremely successful learning progressions.
Marbotic.com - Best for Pre-K and Early Childhood, this app is similar to many other early reading apps EXCEPT you can easily switch languages on the tablet, turning it into not just a reading tool, but a language app. Great for bilingual or multilingual families as well as those needing to practice or wanting to learn a second language.

www.storylineonline.net: Watch members of the SAG-AFTRA Foundation read books aloud along with creatively produced illustrations.
https://www.teachyourmonstertoread.com/u/389084: Player log-in will be your child’s first name. You can also play on the app with star code 389084.
More Early Childhood Resources - Not Currently Used by HCA
TeachYourMonsterToRead.com - Super fun online reading tool that is 100% online, while the app version is paid. Young, early readers really enjoy this site and parents seem to agree.
Storylineonline.net - Books read aloud by well-known Hollywood actors. Brought to you by the Screen Actors Guild Foundation, this resource appears to be free and allowed us to watch several readings. Great for story time!
Mobilemontessori.org - One time paid apps, or bundles of apps of your own choosing. Mobile Montessori is a large number of apps meant to work in congruence with one another. Apps are for Early Childhood through Lower School and up to age 12.
Endless Learning Academy - Free but has in-app purchases. So don't be surprised when some items are locked when your child, who is now hooked, begins screaming for more! This is the full package of the well-loved and highly reviewed"Endless" apps; including Endless Alphabet, Endless Reader, Endless Math, etc. These apps support learners ages 2-5. They are not only effective, but adorable, and hearing them in the background while you work from home or oversee schooling of other children won't make you cringe. Is it worth buying the whole package? You have some choices and after sampling the free version, you will know best if it's right for you. For full access to the entire Endless Learning Academy, you can pay 7.99/month (great if you think they may tire of it), 49.99 per year, or 89.99 for LIFETIME! This app can be played on any Apple device or on your Apple TV.
ReadLiveNaturally.com - Great app for learning to read and now has a free 60 day trial. Its interactive platform allows students to learn at their own pace and then progress to more difficult books as they improve.
minilabstudios.com - Available for via Apple, Google Play or Amazon, minilabstudios is a collection of four great apps for young learners - Early Childhood to Lower School. One of the very best is Professor Astro Cat's Solar System - to help little ones understand the wonders of the universe. This app is effective because the animation is so thoughtful, beautiful and entertaining.
Levarburtonkids.com/Skybrary - This is best for beginning readers, although there is a little something for everyone. Especially since Neil Gaiman recently gave LeVar Burton permission to read all of his books online.
Marbotic.com - Best for Pre-K and Early Childhood, this app is similar to many other early reading apps EXCEPT you can easily switch languages on the tablet, turning it into not just a reading tool, but a language app. Great for bilingual or multilingual families as well as those needing to practice or wanting to learn a second language.
DragonBox.com - Paid app with in-app purchases, but highly reviewed for Math learning and has math learning resources for not only ages 4-9, but also 9 and up, which makes it an excellent learning tool for Middle School children, too. If your child struggles with Math, or enjoys it and wants further enrichment, this is one worth looking into!
OriginatorKids.com - From the makers of Endless Learning Academy and the long line of successful "Endless" apps, comes Math Tango, which is another paid app for Math practice and enrichment. Best for Lower School age groups.
Cosmickids.com (can also be found on YouTube) - is free and has great yoga classes for Early Childhood and Lower School.

Supporting Families During Covid-19 - This resource from the Child Mind Institute is one of the best and most comprehensive out there for talking to your children about Covid-19 and addressing many of emotional and psychological health issues related the pandemic.
Homeschooling Resources by Age and Grade - Many of these websites and apps are already listed in other areas of our blog, but this particular resource reviews them by learning skills and age.
Resources and FAQ for Parents Educating at Home During the Pandemic - While the site itself is specifically for those who are homeschooling, not cyber-schooling as HCA is at this time, it still offers an excellent list of creative resources to further enrich your child or help them explore a particular topic or subject. For example, while all classes at HCA are providing instruction at this time, you are able to find typing courses here and outdoor learning.
Online Resources for Parents Educating Children at Home - Again, this site is mostly geared toward parents who must design their own curriculum for homeschooling, but it does include a broad variety of helpful websites and apps such as Scratch (interactive story, game and media design from the MIT media lab), tours of the Smithsonian Exhibits, Coding Lessons and Imagineering in a Box (a design and engineering site brought to you by the Walt Disney Imagineering Team, Pixar and Khan Academy).
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