HCA at Home

We, the HCA Parents' Association, invite you to Share Your Story!

We are launching a series of virtual community sessions to keep us all connected. We encourage anyone from our HCA families, staff and faculty to sign up to lead a virtual story time, share photos from a recent vacation, do a mini-lesson to teach a skill you want to share, etc. Sessions can be led by HCA staff/faculty, parents, grandparents, students or even alum. We just want to stay connected in the weeks ahead.

CLICK HERE to sign up to lead one of these virtual sessions which will be held twice weekly on Thursday evenings from 7:00-8:00pm and Saturday afternoons from 1:00-2:00pm. There are up to three 20-minute time slots per session but you can sign up for multiple time slots if you have a topic that requires more than 20 minutes. Keep an eye out for a Google Calendar invite with webconference details.

Messenger Kids

Facebook's Messenger Kids app can be a great way for kids to stay connected. If you have a Facebook account, you can sign your child up for a Messenger Kids account. This is NOT a Facebook account for your child. Messenger Kids requires adult approval prior to the kids making or accepting any connections and sends a copy of their activity to your account so you can keep tabs on anything they're doing. And it's FUN! Kids can message each other, join live with one or more people to talk and even play games!

Virtual Hangouts

Zoom, FaceTime and Google Hangouts, Houseparty, and Google Duo are all great FREE ways to get together! While too many people in one call can be distracting, it's a great way for smaller groups to get together. Consider planning a virtual hangout for your class - parents, kids or both!

Need help or information on any of the apps listed above? Or have you discovered other great apps or have ideas to share? Let us know at pass@holychildacademy.com.

Stay safe!

HCA Parents' Association

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